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Security Consulting

Security Consulting by Medialine

We provide Security Consulting services to ensure that your IT systems run securely and smoothly. We analyze your infrastructure, gather ideas and concepts, and work individually on all your requirements to present you with suitable solution proposals. You benefit from years of experience: We not only check and analyze your existing infrastructure, but also optimize it to ensure smooth IT operations.

Why is security consulting important for companies?

Protection of assets

Valuable assets such as intellectual property, customer data, financial information, and facilities. By conducting security consultations, companies can take measures to protect these assets from theft, damage, or misuse.

Meeting Compliance Requirements

Companies may need to comply with certain security standards and regulations to meet legal requirements or fulfill contracts with customers. Security consulting can help companies take the necessary security measures to meet these requirements.

Risk mitigation

By identifying risks and vulnerabilities in a company's security systems, we as security consultants can provide recommendations for risk mitigation. This can help minimize potential threats and risks before they escalate into bigger problems.

Improving security culture

Through our security consulting, companies can raise awareness of security issues among their employees and promote security-related behaviors. A positive security culture can help improve security in all areas of the company.

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What are the impacts of lack of IT security?

Protect yourself from high costs!

A study by the Ponemon Institute shows that the average cost of a cyberattack for a company is around $3.86 million. In addition, a study by IBM found that companies that were able to respond to a cyber attack within 30 days suffered around $1 million less in damages than companies that took longer to detect and respond to the attack.

Security Prozess - IT Security mit der Medialine AG
Security Prozess - IT Security mit der Medialine AG

Not a "nice to have" but a "must have"!

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Our Security Consulting Services

Compliance & IT-Audit

We verify whether you comply with legal or industry-specific regulations and rules regarding your security systems. In the IT audit, which includes a vulnerability analysis, we check your IT systems for potential dangers and risks from attackers, technical deficiencies, or force majeure. Our basic examination is about creating an overview quickly and cost-effectively for liability bearers in the company of how the company is positioned in the field of information security.

Our Compliance & IT-Audit Security Consulting Service process

Taking into account the special requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises, we have developed a questionnaire which includes a wide range of questions on various topics.

  1. You will be tasked with answering all questions, which will be covered in subsequent audits. There are 16 audit groups and 126 questions. The content of these audit groups and questions does not exclusively deal with technical protective measures but also covers the security process and necessary documentation within organizations.

  2. In a comprehensive final report, the level of compliance will be measurable in a percentage and all deficiencies found in the company will be summarized, along with the current state of affairs. For all deficiencies found, our IT security experts will prepare recommendations for measures on how to rectify them.

  3. As part of a final discussion, the individual measures will be prioritized together, and responsibilities will be determined, taking into account the risk of the deficiencies, so that a project plan for implementing the information security process can be developed afterwards.

Goal of our Compliance & IT-Audit

  • To identify vulnerabilities in your IT system
  • To minimize the risk of IT security threats
  • To ensure compliance with laws and regulationsTo improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IT systems
  • To plan your IT budget sensibly
  • To delegate appropriate security tasks in your organization even without the necessary expertise

Best Practice Implementation

Rely on our many years of experience in the field of security services. Based on vulnerability analysis, we develop an individual and personal IT security best practice solution for you.

Insight into the Level of Compliance

We show you, using a graph, which areas of the company are being audited by audit groups. The percentage level of compliance indicates how well each audit group is performing, with 0% indicating no compliance and 100% indicating full compliance.

Final Report for Clarity:

To prevent these potential dangers, we work with you to develop and implement best practice solutions. The results of the questionnaire are presented to you in a comprehensive final report. The clarity of the evaluation highlights strengths and weaknesses can be addressed quickly. Our IT security experts prepare possible measures for you, and together, we decide which of these vulnerabilities should be prioritized and which measures should be taken. At the end of a best practice implementation, there is a project plan to sustainably advance and improve your information security process.

Security Policies

To implement a sustainable security concept in an organization and develop a long-term sustainable security strategy, certain things are required. Our security consultants can help you set information security goals and develop an information security plan as part of the security policies. The information security plan includes the responsibilities of the information security process. In addition, statements are made about programs that promote security in the company.

Optimizing existing infrastructures

The development of threats and attackers is increasing rapidly. Cybersecurity is more relevant today than ever before. New variants of malware are constantly being discovered, attackers are becoming more organized, better, and smarter. A single vulnerability is enough to cause devastating consequences. Therefore, it is of enormous importance for companies to protect their IT infrastructure optimally. We examine your IT infrastructure down to the smallest detail. Together, we analyze and evaluate your hardware and software components to ensure that you, your data, and your company are safe from attackers. By optimizing the existing infrastructure, weaknesses are identified, improved, and smooth operation is ensured.

BCM & Emergency Plans

In case of emergency, you are prepared: With our emergency plans, you can keep an overview even in the worst-case scenario. With the strategies and plans developed specifically for your IT, you act according to defined processes to avoid serious damages and losses. With our business continuity management, you ensure alternative processes that enable the continuation of business operations.

Vulnerability Analysis

A vulnerability scan is a process in which a computer program examines a network or individual computer for known security weaknesses. The scan is used to identify potential points of attack and provide recommendations for eliminating the vulnerabilities.


  • Identification of weaknesses: The scan helps to uncover known security vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization's IT systems
  • Risk assessment: The scan enables the organization to estimate the risk by evaluating the severity of the discovered vulnerabilities
  • Prioritization of protective measures: After the scan, the organization can allocate its resources more effectively by focusing on addressing the most severe vulnerabilities
  • Compliance with regulations and standards: Regular vulnerability scanning can help ensure compliance with regulations and standards such as PCI DSS or ISO 27001
  • Proactive management of IT security: The scan is a valuable tool for proactive monitoring of IT security and can help prevent network attacks before they occur

We offer a Managed Vulnerability Service. We scan all networks, servers, and clients. Everything with an IP address is thoroughly examined by us. The report includes prioritized remediation plans to quickly close vulnerabilities and make your IT systems more secure. Our Managed Vulnerability Service is an essential component of information security management and should not be missing in any sustainable security strategy.

Hacker Attack Stimulation as a Service

A hacker attack simulation is a method of testing the security of a computer system or network environment by conducting a simulated attack. We simulate a hacker attack on your network. Our team of experts tests how far hackers could get into your network and what data could be leaked in the process. The simulation also shows how a possible hacker attack could affect your business process.

Contents of Hacker Attack Stimulation as a Service:

We attempt to infiltrate ransomware into your system through an active simulated attack. In doing so, we discover vulnerabilities in your systems and networks and can take targeted measures to address them. With ransomware threats on the rise, it's a good idea to run this audit regularly to ensure your organization's ransomware protection is always up to date. With our ransomware audit you have found the right solution.

With this method, we test the security of your Active Directory. The security scan includes a thorough examination of the configuration and security policies of your Active Directory. We can determine if there are vulnerabilities or potential attack vectors. We detect typical misconfigured permissions, insecure passwords, missing patches, outdated software, and unsecured access points. Access the expertise of our IT security specialists and discover risks and solutions with us before it becomes a disaster.

The Active Directory Hash Dump Analysis involves examining hashes extracted from a backup copy of the password hashes in an Active Directory database. The goal is to crack these passwords to gain access to user accounts and other system resources using specialized software and techniques.

We analyze the network communication from an internal network to an external network. In doing so, we analyze outbound connections from a specific device or group of devices in the network. Your firewall is a central component of network security. Our Firewall Outbound Analysis tests and monitors your protocols, ports, targets, and sources of outbound connections to verify that unwanted connections are not created, enabling you to detect vulnerabilities early and ensure the security and stability of your network.


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